Deltalink is the perfect choice for your Rf Antenna needs.
On behalf of 15 years experience in Telecommunications and Electronics market Deltalink will bring the most recent technology to the wireless communications with the highest quality.
Our Electronics ,Microwave and Antennas Laboratories will guarantee the quality of our products and our engineers are researching on the most resent technologies to bring it to the wireless market for you as our valued and best partners in this market.
Deltalink Electronics has sustained organic growth since foundation, through innovation and simply delivering complete customer satisfaction. With more than several years of intense customer based research and product development for last mile access , PTP ,PTMP and public safety wireless connectivity solutions are ‘The’ choice of Global communication corporations and governments who require uncompromising connectivity.
Parabolic Antenna
5 GHz
6 GHz
High Performanse Antenna (HP)
5 GHz
6 GHz
7 GHz
Super High Performanse Antenna (SHP)
5 GHz
Our wealth of experience and understanding of radio frequency innovation
as well as the real world needs of customers ensures that Deltalink product combines unsurpassed reliability and functionality for the implementation and management of a truly flexible wireless network delivering an unparalleled quality of service.
We’re Here To Help Your Business
Through Creativity, Integrity & Innovation